Friday, March 23, 2007

Daddy's Candy

So I was putting Jacob to bed last night when in barges my little girl. I quickly tried to give her the "shhhhh" signal, but she didn't seem to care, and blurted out, "Daddy's candy!" as she held out a bag of sunflower seeds to me. I had to smile, even though of course, Jacob's eyes popped right open. As I stared at her, I thought for a brief moment she was eating something, but thought for sure not the seeds. Then without hesitation she reached in and grabbed several seeds and shoved them in her mouth, like this was a common practice, and stood there chomping and cracking away. No doubt she learned this from her dad, only the next thing I knew, she swallowed them all whole! I quickly decided that she isn't quite ready for "Daddy's candy" and had to take them away until she can learn to spit out the shells. I was actually shocked that she even liked the taste and didn't spit them out right away, but I guess her looks aren't the only thing she takes after her Dad in!

1 comment:

Kim said...

This makes me laugh. I can just see her doing it! Jon loves them, too. "Spits", as he and Jeff refer to them, are my least favorite thing in our kitchen. I hate the smell, I hate listening to them being eaten, and I hate cleaning up after them! Here's to hoping my children don't develop a taste for them, too!