Monday, September 10, 2007

Super Star Mom

Or anything but. Today was one of those days I just should have stayed in bed, not that everything has gone wrong, but just ONE TERRIFYINGLY AWFUL thing. Chalk one MORE up for me on the "not so super mom" tally. Alli fell out of the shopping cart today, and yes, she is fine, but she sure doesn't look like it. I am refusing to take pictures because I don't constantly want to be reminded in the future. But I am recording it, just as my mom did for me when I fell out myself when I was a baby. (I broke my collar bone, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining.)

I was walking into Kmart from the parking lot and was just about to remind Alli to sit down (as she was standing up in the back side of the cart) and we hit a lip where the asphalt meets the cement. The next thing I know I am watching her FLIP in slow motion over the edge and land on her face...THEN she flipped again! I was SURE she had broken her neck and I was actually witnessing her death. I was terrified! She of course started crying and actually got up, as she was holding her mouth that was filling with blood. Well, I was relieved that she wasn't paralyzed, but now quite certain that she had knocked every one of her teeth out. It didn't take long to determine that her teeth were still in place and that the source of the blood was just a gash in the underside of the upper lip, but at this point the gigantic bruise on her forehead emerged and her eye started to swell. I of course checked her eyes for sign of a concussion, but all seemed well. I comforted her and she calmed a little while a few nice onlookers came to help. One nice mom told me her daughter did this just last week and was fine, but it didn't seem to help much at the moment.

I called the doctor for instructions and several minutes later, with a box of Backyardigans Band-Aids and a cow stuffed animal in hand, we are home. I know everything will be fine now, but I can't help but think how much more of this I can handle. I guess I have always know that things just happen when you raise kids, but maybe I was hoping that somehow all of mine would grow up unscathed? Fat chance. So far Alli has severely burned her hand once, and pretty badly another time. I have gotten locked out of the car with her still inside, ultimately necessitating the breaking of a window to get her out. And now this, not to mention the many less memorable bumps and bruises along the way. And she is only 2 1/2!

I just really don't do well with these "I can't believe this is happening" moments. I do really watch my children pretty well, or so I thought, but I guess I really WOULD have to be Supermom to save them from ever getting hurt.


1tiredmama said...

Don't be too hard on yourself. Ethan has fallen out of the cart as well. I was sure he had broken his neck, but kids bounce back and he was totally fine. A little scared but totally fine. Just remember that even though you don't feel like Supermom, there is no one better than you in Alli's eyes!

Kim said...

I'm so sad! I was about to remind you that you once feel out of the cart, but then you brought it up. :) You feel bad because you think it doesn't happen to other people, but just remember we've all been there. The trauma is just different for each of us. I took Derrick's big toe nail off with the door at Hogi Yogi once. I think he has finally forgotten!

Sierra said...

Hey, it happens to the best of us. We went to visit some freinds we hadn't seen in a while and all three girls did a group hug and went tumbling down the stairs. It was arms and legs and hair everywhere. When the chaos finnally settled in a heap at the bottom, everyone was scared and confused, but not too terribly hurt. Kaia has had some crazy looking knots and bruises from all sorts of crazy things, and we have even had to call poison controll twice! Yup, you can't save em from everything.